Issue Time:2025-01-23 18:24:08Author:ChipsmallSource:ChipsmallClick:1
We will have a holiday from January 28, 2025, to February 4, 2025.
Normal business will resume on February 5.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the holiday period and appreciate your understanding.
Shenzhen Headquarter:
2/F,BLK. 405,Shangbu Pengji Industrial Area,Huaqiangbei,Futian,Shenzhen,China 518028
TEL.: +86-755-8981 8866
Hongkong Secretary Office:
RM 705, 7/F, Fa Yuen Commercial Building, NO.75-77, Fa Yuen Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
TEL.:+852-6220 1873